Sunday, August 7, 2011

Getting Clients

This is the topic of the day.

We need clients. We need people to trust us and let us in. We need to establish ourselves as the go-to group for every ones paranormal needs.

With the rise in paranormal TV shows over the last few years there has also been a rise in paranormal investigation groups. Because of this its hard for small groups to start out. No one knows where to go, which group would be best to use for their needs.

When I (Jimbo) was first starting to branch out into groups I tried to help out two local paranormal groups and they in turn tried to help each other, however ego's ended up clashing, ideas and practices didn't work together and it ended up causing both groups to disband so I started my own group. I am not going to let petty squables get in the way of searching for the answers.

The problem we are having though is finding clients. We can call leads all day long but if no one believes in us we cant get clients. If we can't get clients we cant get established. its a catch 22 but none the less we shall still strive for the answers we're looking for.

and remember if you happen across this blog and are in the Denver or surrounding areas and need paranormal help send us an email:



  1. My work friend is an investigator for and he said when they first started out they did a lot of residential investigations and tagged teamed with other groups for some of the "super haunts".

  2. Getting clients is one of the best ways to increase sales. There are many ways to increase your ongoing selling efforts.

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